When you choose Kozco Energy Group, we are not a ‘set and forget’ company.

We are with you long after the installation is complete. With an in-house after sales support and maintenance team, we are committed to delivering outstanding customer service, so you can ensure that you have the security of our expertise and support available when you need it. 

Solar Service

After we’ve installed your residential or commercial energy solution we continue to work with you to make sure you get the most out of your system.

We will provide you with information and feedback on the most efficient use of your system to maximise your return on your investment.

12-month’s after installation we recommend to book in a service follow up and we can ensure your system is maintained in accordance with requirements and will also offer beneficial information as well as any recommended system or operating improvements.

You can rely on a speedy and efficient service from our local South Australian team of energy experts.

With a guaranteed warranty and after sales support, we are here to help.

Please note, customers are not locked into 5 years of servicing with our Annual Support Service packages.

Talk to our Energy Experts today on
1300 456 926

Talk to our Energy Experts today on 1300 456 926