Shine Bright and Green: Sustainable Energy Ideas for the Christmas Season!

We all look forward to Christmas time – not only does it provide us some well-deserved family time, we’ve got plenty of time to relax and enjoy all the festive treats!

However, it can also be a time of increased energy consumption and environmental impact. As we decorate our homes, light up our streets and host gatherings, our energy usage can soar! However, it is still possible to enjoy the festive season whilst still being eco-friendly and energy efficient. See Kozco Energy Group’s best tips below for saving energy (and money!) over Christmas and New Year.


Light it up!

Anyone who says they aren’t dazzled by a stunningly lit Christmas tree is lying, and the twinkling lights we adorn our trees with are an iconic Christmas feature. Whilst traditional lights are energy hogs, LED lights are a much better option, for both your wallet and the environment. LEDS can use up to 80% less energy and tend to last much longer too!

To further reduce usage, consider adding a timer to your lights, so they’ll only shine when people actually see them.


Make your oven work for you

There’s no doubt your oven will get a workout over the festive season, so you’ve got to be smart about your energy usage! We suggest only preheating your oven just before you need to use it, which can cut energy consumption drastically. Most ovens heat quickly these days, so a small wait will be worth the savings.

This one might sound obvious, but the best way to save energy with your oven will be to use it took cook multiple things at once, which will save you a tonne of energy (and work).


Give the gift of sustainability

Why not help your family and friends save energy and money? You can opt for eco-friendly Christmas gifts like solar powered gadgets and home décor, or battery powered items (with rechargeable batteries of course!).


Use your downtime

After a year of hard work, why not prepare for what’s ahead and make a new year’s resolution that you’ll benefit from? Having extra time to spend with the family could be a great time to consider investing in a solar and battery system for your home. The Kozco Energy Group Experts will be available to talk about your options around the Christmas break, and you’ll have plenty of time to make the right decisions for you and your family.


For more energy saving tips, check out our other blogs!